
I spend half my time commuting. On a train, on a Luas, on a bus or a coach. I spend so much time commuting from place to place.

Sandymount Dart Station

Sandymount Dart Station

So much time spent waiting at a stop for buses, Luas or at a train station. Huddled under shelters from the wind and rain. Huddled with strangers staring intently at their phones, flicking through a newspaper or trying hard to not meet each other's gaze.

Grand Canal Dock Dart Station

Grand Canal Dock Dart Station

It's funny when you think it through, how much time we spend going from one place in order to wait at another in order to get to another. We get up so early and face the morning zombified commute. That march across town. I've always wondered why we do it; apart from having to get paid of course...

The Point Luas Stop

The Point Luas Stop

I usually step out of my apartment to this view and I know what you're thinking, 'what a view' and of course you're right, but the first thing in my mind is how long do I have to wait for a tram and then, 'where can I get my chai latte and crepe'. The commute puts us into this routine that kills us and almost blinds us from the beauty that surrounds us.Β .. Unless we don't let it.

Hope you like my favorite shots from my commutes from the last few months πŸš‹πŸšƒπŸšˆπŸŽˆ

Pearse Street

Pearse Street

Jervis Luas Stop

Jervis Luas Stop

Sandymount Dart Stop

Sandymount Dart Stop

Connolly Station

Connolly Station


I am TimiΒ