This one has been a long time coming and along with Jack Fox of Bread & Bones, I'm delighted to present to you 'Bare Bones'; a podcast where myself and Jack meet the good and great of Ireland and beyond!
It's been a long time coming but after a few years of being a fan boy from afar, I finally got a chance to sit down and have a chat with a man who changed Dublin city's skyline in his own unique way.
James Earley is a man of many talents but one of his the talents that sticks him out is not his drive, his determination or his intricate artistic style; it is his ability to capture the imagination in the viewers of his work. His gorgeous and sometimes enormous pieces dotted around the city depicting the anatomy of wild animals have had people talking for many years and if you haven't noticed one of them, then you need to get out more!
In the podcast, we get to talking about how James got involved in the art world. We talk about his love affair with graffiti many moons ago and the hours spent sketching animal forms in the natural history museum and we chat about the man behind (with the man behind the art)
Enjoy episode one of 'Bare Bones' below...
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I am Timi